Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

32 magnifiques images d'aurores boréales au Canada

32 magnifiques images d'aurores boréales au Canada
NORTHERN MANITOBA, CANADA - MARCH 2008:***EXCLUSIVE*** The Northern Lights, pictured on March 8, 2008. Recording nature's most spectacular light show for the last four years, Linda Drake has photographed some of the most beautiful examples of the Northern Lights ever seen. Decamping each year to Northern Manitoba in Canada to capture the Aurora Borealis, Linda, 40, braves temperatures of minus 20 degrees in search of that elusive perfect shot. Making the pilgrimage to just south of the Arctic circle, Linda avoids the crowds of nature and wildlife photographers who travel there each year for the waking polar bears and instead concentrates on the irriddescent green and blue Northern Lights. (Photo by Linda Drake/ Barcroft USA / Getty Images)
Barcroft via Getty Images
NORTHERN MANITOBA, CANADA - MARCH 2008:***EXCLUSIVE*** The Northern Lights, pictured on March 8, 2008. Recording nature's most spectacular light show for the last four years, Linda Drake has photographed some of the most beautiful examples of the Northern Lights ever seen. Decamping each year to Northern Manitoba in Canada to capture the Aurora Borealis, Linda, 40, braves temperatures of minus 20 degrees in search of that elusive perfect shot. Making the pilgrimage to just south of the Arctic circle, Linda avoids the crowds of nature and wildlife photographers who travel there each year for the waking polar bears and instead concentrates on the irriddescent green and blue Northern Lights. (Photo by Linda Drake/ Barcroft USA / Getty Images)

Wow! Que tu es beau, cher Canada!

Les aurores boréales peuvent être généralement observer au Nunavut, au Yukon et dans les térritoires du nord du pays. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans les images qui suivent, il est également possible de les observer un peu partout.

Admirez donc ces merveilleuses images:


Les aurores boréales au Canada

Cet article initialement publié sur le Huffington Post Canada a été traduit de l’anglais.

Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.