Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

À travers votre lentille : La beauté rocailleuse du Chili (PHOTOS)

La beauté rocailleuse du Chili (PHOTOS)

Cet article fait partie de la série « Through your Lens » (« À travers votre lentille ») publiée par l'édition WorldPost du Huffington Post. Le principe : utiliser des images tirées des réseaux sociaux pour peindre le portrait d'un pays. Cette semaine, « Through Your Lens » explorait le Chili.

Des Andes neigeuses aux glaciers et lacs du Parc national Torres del Paine, le Chili est une des destinations touristiques les plus sous-estimées des Amériques.

Voyez notre sélection des plus belles images du pays trouvées sur les réseaux sociaux. Vous pouvez aussi participer au projet en ajoutant les mots clic #WorldPostGram et #HuffPostQuebec à vos publications sur Twitter et Instagram!

Tiny hikers in a big landscape -- Torres del Paine, Chile #chileconwillie

A photo posted by Willie Dalton (@williedalton) on

The stairway to street art heaven! Excited to be wandering with @wannaalpargatas #sinwannasnohayverano #valparaiso #chile

A photo posted by The Borderless Project (@theborderlessproject) on

\ I FOUND THE MILKY WAY \ I think these images will be a defining moment in my career, not just because of the images themselves but for the process, determination, tenacity, hard work, patience, courage, and luck it took to make them a reality and bring them to life. I specifically came to the Atacama Desert with the sole purpose of seeing the Milky Way and capturing these images. Foolishly, I did not research the phases of the moon and arrived at the worst time. It was a hard lesson to learn but an important one. So I was a bit sad after I arrived and felt defeated. I decided to wait around for the new moon, passing the time here with yoga, reading, and mountain biking with friends. The past 4 nights I've woken up (or in some cases didn't sleep at all) at 3 am, and rode a bike, in true expedition fashion, several kilometers out into the desert alone to capture this image and many others like it. It's a bit scary riding out into the pitch black desert alone, but it's absolutely worth it. I learned some constellations and used the southern cross to guide me. I was lucky because the past 4 night have been totally clear, unlike last week. I can't begin to describe the feeling of lying down beneath the clear, dark, moonless sky of the Atacama Desert with not a single soul or light in sight other than the Milky Way and the stars above me. It is totally peaceful, serene, magical, beyond beautiful, humbling, and absolutely mind blowing/breathtaking. I've never felt such a strong feeling of fulfillment and joy seeing the Milky Way bulge rise, and taking in all of the stars surrounding me. Not to mention, the shooting stars (meteors) are so numerous out here and are like none I have ever seen before. We truly live in an extraordinary galaxy and all the stars seem to align perfectly. I must thank astrophotographers @nicholasbuer and Dr. José Francisco Salgado for guiding me from halfway across the world. These images would not have been possible without their help and guidance. I hope this image inspires you in one way or another. All My Best, Reuben #antarcticaordie

A photo posted by // Reuben Hernandez // (@reubenhernandez) on

Cet article initialement publié sur le WorldPost a été traduit de l'anglais.


La Crimée, terre natale du photographe Sergei Anashkevitch

Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.