Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Cette maman de triplés affiche fièrement ses vergetures

Un très beau message qui devrait en inspirer plus d'une.

Desiree Fortin, une Américaine de 32 ans, dédie son compte Instagram intitulé The Perfect Mom à ses triplés et son ventre qu'elle affiche fièrement à ses 55 400 abonnés.

Cette Américaine de 32 ans diagnostiquée du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques, un trouble hormonal qui peut être une cause d'hypofertilité a été inséminée artificiellement. Un long parcours avant de tomber enceinte et donner naissance à Charlize, Sawyer et Jax.

Que son corps ait changé est une fierté pour cette jeune maman qui souhaite partager son expérience et l'acceptation de son nouveau elle. Son ventre avec ses vergetures, c'est elle et ses triplés! Un message éloquent et qui devrait en inspirer plus d'une.

Voici l'un de ses derniers partages en date.

"For every women unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them." I love this quote. I once was her, the "one," waiting, wishing, hoping to be a Mother. Finding out I was finally going to be a Mom was one most incredible feelings. It didn't matter whether I was going to give birth naturally or have a cesarean (however you do it, you're amazing). And it didn't matter that my body was going to change drastically. I was finally going to be a Mom, a Mom to triplets! And although I never imagined my body would look the way it does now, it represents so much more. There is a lot of extra skin, stretch marks, sag and wrinkles. And while my new Mom body may be hard to love sometimes, it is a new me that represents the power of the female body and the miracle of carrying three babies. As I have shared before, I call my postpartum marks my "Hope wounds" and they have taught me a greater meaning of self-love and appreciation for my body. I think that it is important to change our Mom body perspectives. There is empowerment for yourself in loving yourself. Our postpartum marks are stories of hope, stories of love, and sometimes stories of loss. There is so much beauty in our Mom bodies because above all they represent life, our children, and the undeniable love we have for them. For the "one"somewhere wishing, hoping, praying for her miracle, this is for you. For the one who delivered and lost your baby, I know these are all you physically have left of your angel. You are strong mama. And to all the Mama's struggling to love themselves: you're beautiful, strong, and may you be empowered to love yourself a little more today!! Choose to change your perspective because your beautiful! Bra/Undies: @knix >>> the most incredible bra and underwear I own!!! P.S EXCITING NEWS Next week I leave for an amazing Body + Love Workshop by @sarahsapora I'm so excited to be surrounded and inspired by an amazing group of people all supporting each other! I will be share more details in my stories 💕

Une publication partagée par Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) le

«Pour toutes les femmes malheureuses de voir leurs vergetures post-partum, il y en a une qui rêverait de les avoir', j'adore cette citation. J'ai été l'une d'elles, attendant, souhaitant, espérant être mère. Lorsque j'ai découvert que j'allais enfin devenir maman, ce fut l'un des plus beaux sentiments que j'ai ressentis. Peu importait comment j'allais donner naissance: naturellement ou par césarienne. Et peu m'importait que mon corps change drastiquement... Il est important de changer la perspective que l'on a de corps quand on devient parent.»

#this_is_postpartum When I found out I was pregnant with triplets I remember scrolling through pictures of other triplet moms before and after pictures wondering how much my body would change. Would I have stretch marks? Would I ever feel comfortable in my own skin again? Would I hate my post baby body? • The truth Is my body changed.It changed a lot. I may have "bounced back" (whatever that really means), but my body is not the same, I am not the same. Everything changed. • There comes a point in our postpartum journeys where we have a choice to make. Will you choose to embrace your wounds and love your body for the miracle it did to bring life into this world OR will you be your biggest critic constantly feeding yourself lies about your new body? The reality is in order for us to fully embrace our postpartum bodies we must change our perspective and how we see ourselves. • Yes, my body has changed. Yes, it has taken time for me to feel beautiful, strong, sexy, and confident in this new body. But I prayed for these wounds. I longed for these tiger stripes. There was a time during my infertility where I would have had c-sections over and over just to have a baby in my arms. When I look at my hope wounds I will remember the other women out there waiting, hoping, wishing for the same kind of hope wounds. I will choose to embrace them for what they are because they are apart of my story and brought me my miracles. • My friends @th3littlestavenger and @thebirdspapaya said it perfectly "This, what I am holding in my hands, is a result of my successes." • Whoever you are and wherever you are in your postpartum journey, always remember you're beautiful, your body is amazing, and your a great mama. This is postpartum, and so is this: @she_plusfive (swipe and tap to see her story) Tee: @themomculture #thebump #teamSELF #selflove #postpartum #motherhood #pregnantandperfect #inspirepregnancy #fitmomsofig #pregnantchicken #ig_motherhood #birthbecomesher #stopcensoringmotherhood #aheadofthecurve #bodypositivity #csection #scars #LoveAnyBody #postpartumbody #fitness #loveyourself #postpartumdepression #tummytuck #triplets #birthwithoutfear #nonairbrushedme

Une publication partagée par Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) le

Voici son adorable famille.


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