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Bernie Sanders appuiera Hillary Clinton mardi, selon le «New York Times»

Bernie Sanders appuiera Hillary Clinton mardi
File-This June 23, 2016, file photo shows Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., addressing supporters in New York. Sanders says he'll try to block Senate consideration of a bill that would require nationwide labeling of food with genetically modified products, but with a less stringent labeling requirement than the one included in Vermont's law. Individual senators can put a hold on legislation, blocking it from coming up for debate unless backers can muster 60 votes. The Vermont independent says he prepared to resort to that tactic.(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File)
File-This June 23, 2016, file photo shows Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., addressing supporters in New York. Sanders says he'll try to block Senate consideration of a bill that would require nationwide labeling of food with genetically modified products, but with a less stringent labeling requirement than the one included in Vermont's law. Individual senators can put a hold on legislation, blocking it from coming up for debate unless backers can muster 60 votes. The Vermont independent says he prepared to resort to that tactic.(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File)

Le quotidien a appris que ce soutien sera officialisé dans le cadre d'un rassemblement au New Hampshire, alors que la candidate à la présidence et son ex-rival à l'investiture démocrate feront une première apparition ensemble.

Le réseau ABC avait fait savoir hier que cet appui public serait donné la semaine prochaine, sans donner plus de détails.

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