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Susan Sarandon: magnifique nouvelle égérie de Marc Jacobs (PHOTO)

Susan Sarandon: magnifique nouvelle égérie de Marc Jacobs (PHOTO)

Marc Jacobs a dévoilé le visage de sa nouvelle égérie de l'automne-hiver 2016-2017 - et c'est Susan Sarandon, 69 ans, magnifique!

Elle vient s'ajouter à une liste prestigieuse d'égéries plus incroyables les unes que les autres pour sa campagne de la saison prochain qui revêt un caractère clairement militant. Pas étonnant de la part du célèbre designer.

Il accompagne sa publication sur Instagram d'un long texte en forme de déclaration d'amour. Susan Sarandon qui pour lui est une comédienne et artiste qui prend des risques. Elle n'a jamais eu peur de s'exprimer et de s'habiller comme elle le désirait. Notamment dans « The Rocky Horror Picture Show », elle incarne un personnage qui n'a pas peur de dépasser la notion de genre. Également dans «Hunger», le film a pour toile de fond un amour lesbien entre la star américaine et la comédienne française Catherine Deneuve.

Susan Sarandon a clairement tout pour plaire à Marc Jacobs.

SUSAN, Seduction Like so many teenagers, I spent countless Friday and Saturday nights at midnight screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the 8th Street Playhouse (which is still standing!) and the Festival Theatre on 57th Street (which has long since closed). TRHPS was a coming of age and right of passage. It became an invitation (or excuse) to dress up and express oneself fearlessly. The cult classic made it cool for boys to wear sequins, satin and fishnets. I fell in love with Susan Sarandon’s onscreen portrayal of Janet during her “loss of innocence” scene by way of a crossdressing alien and her giddy, ecstatic rendition of, “touch-a, touch-a, touch me…” There was a subtle rebellious quality that I found in Susan with how she chose to play Janet and perhaps (as I now look back on it) her decision as a young actor to take a role in a film that challenged the notion of gender roles. In the hyper-stylized, gothic film, The Hunger, Susan’s portrayal as the lesbian love interest of vampire Catherine Deneuve was yet another progressive challenging of normal and a testament to Susan’s artistic exploration of boundaries. It was in my early days at Perry Ellis when I first had the privilege of meeting Susan. Her intelligence, courage, strength, conviction and ballsiness has always been so admirable to me. There’s an inherent seductive quality in Susan as a woman who always speaks her mind and an artist who takes risks. Her talent as an actress is one of extraordinary range, talent and power. The stunning Susan Sarandon by David Sims for our Fall ’16 ad campaign.

A photo posted by Marc Jacobs (@themarcjacobs) on

January 1975

L'évolution du style de Susan Sarandon

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