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Le procureur de «Making a Murderer» écrit un livre pour donner sa version

Le procureur de «Making a Murderer» écrit un livre pour donner sa version

GREEN BAY, Wis. - L'homme qui a mené la poursuite pour meurtre présentée dans la populaire série documentaire "Making a Murderer" a annoncé qu'il écrivait un livre pour raconter "toute l'histoire".

Ken Kratz a dit au réseau WBAY-TV qu'il avait entrepris cette démarche pour faire entendre la version de la victime, Theresa Halbach, qui a, selon lui, été oubliée dans la série de Netflix.

Celui qui est présenté dans l'émission, Steven Avery, avait purgé une peine de 18 ans de prison pour un viol qu'il n'a jamais commis. Deux ans après sa libération, il a été accusé du meurtre de Mme Halbach. Il a finalement été reconnu coupable de meurtre prémédité.

La série "Making a Murderer" soulève des questions sur le traitement de M. Avery et suggère la possibilité que des shérifs du comté de Manitowoc aient falsifié des preuves.

Les autorités ont réfuté ces allégations et M. Kratz a laissé entendre que les réalisatrices avaient écarté certaines preuves.

Les réalisatrices Laura Ricciardi et Moira Demos ont défendu leur travail malgré la controverse.


Ken Kratz claims key evidence was deliberately left out of the series
The prosecutor claims the makers of 'Making a Murderer' "don't want to muddy up a perfectly good conspiracy movie with what actually happened".He cites the testimony of one witness a who said victim Teresa Halbach told her Avery had once come to the door wearing just a towel. This evidence was dismissed by the court as the dates and details could not be determined.
Steven Avery's DNA was found on the bonnet of Halbach's car
According Kratz, Avery's DNA was found on a swab taken from the hood of Halbach's car. The swab was taken five months after Avery was charged and also after investigators Fassbender and Wiegert had interviewed Brendan Dassey during which they themselves brought up the idea that Avery did something to the hood of the vehicle.
Brendan Dassey told his mother that Steve "touched" him
'Making a Murderer' omits a section where Brendan Dassey tells his mother in a phone call from jail that Avery touched him inappropriately. It should be noted however that this was during the time where Dassey was still purporting the story that he was involved in the murder was true. Read the full transcript of the conversation here.
Kratz cites phonecalls made to Halbach as evidence he acted creepily towards her
He said: "Phone records show three calls from Avery to Teresa's cell phone on Oct. 31. One at 2:24 [p.m.], and one at 2:35 – both calls Avery uses the *67 feature so Teresa doesn't know it him...both placed before she arrives."Then one last call at 4:35 p.m., without the *67 feature. Avery first believes he can simply say she never showed up…so tries to establish the alibi call after she's already been there, hence the 4:35 call. She will never answer of course, so he doesn't need the *67 feature for that last call."However the second episode of 'Making a Murderer' begins with a voicemail Halbach left Avery on the morning of her disappearance, asking him to call back.
Prosecutor Ken Kratz has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder
In the 2014 case against Kratz brought by the Office of Lawyer Regulation it is disclosed "he has been diagnosedwith and sought treatment for narcissistic personality disorder".The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists the symptoms of the disorder as..- Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognised as superior without commensurate achievements).- Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.- Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).- Requires excessive admiration.- Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.- Is inter-personally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.- Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognise or identify with the feelings and needs of others.- Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.- Shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes.
Steve Avery had only recently bought the leg irons he was accused of using on Halbach
Avery claimed he had bought them to use on his girlfriend and none of Halbach's DNA was found on them.
The prosecution's DNA expert had the worse record in her lab
Sherry Culhane was the DNA witness in Avery's 2007 trial and the original 1985 trial for which he was eventually exonerated. The defence raised her work record pointing out that of all the experts in the State Crime Lab in Madison, Culhane had the highest error rate.
Ken Kratz recently said there could be grounds for a retrial
In an interview with TMZ on 4 January this year, the prosecutor said that if science can improve enough to prove blood found in Halbech's car was planted then that would be ground for a retrial.

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