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Soeur Élisabeth Turgeon est béatifiée lors d'une cérémonie dimanche à Rimouski

Soeur Élisabeth Turgeon est béatifiée
In this Dec. 1, 2012 photo, a statue with a crucifix and a stained glass window is seen inside a Catholic Church in New Orleans. Catholic groups are decrying a recent Louisiana Supreme Court decision that reaches into the most sanctified of Catholic places, the confessional booth. The high court has revived a sex abuse lawsuit in which parents are suing a priest and a local diocese for not reporting the alleged abuse when the teenager told the priest about it, and the ruling could have a priest asked to testify about what was said in a private confession. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights says the ruling leaves the priest choosing between prison and excommunication, in a case that has grabbed attention in heavily Catholic south Louisiana. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
In this Dec. 1, 2012 photo, a statue with a crucifix and a stained glass window is seen inside a Catholic Church in New Orleans. Catholic groups are decrying a recent Louisiana Supreme Court decision that reaches into the most sanctified of Catholic places, the confessional booth. The high court has revived a sex abuse lawsuit in which parents are suing a priest and a local diocese for not reporting the alleged abuse when the teenager told the priest about it, and the ruling could have a priest asked to testify about what was said in a private confession. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights says the ruling leaves the priest choosing between prison and excommunication, in a case that has grabbed attention in heavily Catholic south Louisiana. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

La fondatrice des Soeurs de Notre-Dame du Saint-Rosaire, Élisabeth Turgeon, a été béatifiée dimanche après-midi au cours d'une cérémonie célébrée en l'église Saint-Robert-Bellarmin, à Rimouski.

Plus de 3000 personnes devaient assister à la cérémonie, présidée par le cardinal Angelo Amato, préfet de la Congrégation pour la cause des Saints et légat du pape François, accompagné par le nonce apostolique au Canada, Mgr Luigi Bonazzi.

De nombreux évêques seront présents, de même que le cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, archevêque de Québec.

Élisabeth Turgeon, devenue Mère Marie-Élisabeth, est née à Beaumont, le 7 février 1840. En 1879, avec douze de ses compagnes, elle se consacre au Seigneur par les voeux de religion. Elle devient première supérieure de la Congrégation des Soeurs de Notre-Dame du Saint-Rosaire. Elle est décédée le 17 août 1881.

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