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Les agressions d'enfants liées à la sorcellerie sont en hausse au Royaume-Uni

Les agressions d'enfants liées à la sorcellerie sont en hausse

LONDRES - Les agressions d'enfants associées à la sorcellerie ou à d'autres croyances rituelles sont en hausse, a prévenu mercredi la police de Londres.

Les policiers ont indiqué que 27 cas ont été rapportés depuis le début de l'année, contre 24 pour toute l'année 2013 et 19 un an plus tôt.

Un jeune a ainsi été frappé à la tête dans le cadre d'un exorcisme. D'autres jeunes ont été plongés dans l'eau pour chasser de mauvais esprits.

La Police métropolitaine de Londres a lancé un film éducatif pour aider à détecter les signes d'agressions ritualistes.

Le détective Terry Sharpe a dit qu'il s'agit de «crimes cachés» qui se produisent quand un proche croit sincèrement que le jeune est possédé par un esprit malin.

1. The first step is to enroll online, you then received your letter of acceptance.
The delivery isn\'t quite the same as in the book, but it will do. Wizards have probably just figured muggles do instant messaging better than they do.
2. You then fill in your profile and are given a Gringotts Bank account
Everyone has the same amount of money, there seem to be no social classes like in the book.
3. You also get to choose your own house, which is a bit annoying.
We recommend you take the Buzzfeed test to know which house would fit you best.
4. As a first year this is your list of courses, complete with a reading list.
A bit worried about the essays part at this point.
5. Here is what Flourish and Blotts looks like.
And yes every books costs money. It would have been absolutely amazing if they had created a wand shop so you would know which wood and core suits you.
6. You then have to enroll for classes to start your first lesson.
Here is the catch, you must complete assignments and essays before you can progress to the next class and finally the exam.
7. Here are what assignments and essays look like.
500 words on a Potions essay? Are you serious?
8. You can even meet and speak to your professors.
Professionals from the magical world right here.
9. You can also read your manuals, which are rather extensive.
writing all this must have required some serious dedication.
10. It's not all work and no games, you can work for the Daily Owl.
The magical Huffington Post.
11. And last but not least, The Great Hall.
No exactly the inside of Christ Church College\'s dinning hall, but all the essentials are there.

Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.