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Des partisans de soccer grecs se moquent d'un génocide

Des partisans de soccer grecs se moquent d'un génocide
Bosnian Muslims, survivors of Srebrenica 1995 massacre pray near body caskets of their relatives, layed out at memorial cemetery in village of Potocari, near Eastern-Bosnian town of Srebrenica, on July 11, 2016. 127 newly identified bodies were be put to final rest at the Potocari memorial. Bodies are identified as those belonging to Bosnian Muslim victims, of the offensive undertaken by Bosnian Serbs in July 1995 with aim to occupy, earlier declared UN safe heaven area of Srebrenica and the surrounding villages. During the offensive more than 8000 Bosnian non-Serbs went missing to be found buried in mass graves, years after the war ended. / AFP / ELVIS BARUKCIC (Photo credit should read ELVIS BARUKCIC/AFP/Getty Images)
ELVIS BARUKCIC via Getty Images
Bosnian Muslims, survivors of Srebrenica 1995 massacre pray near body caskets of their relatives, layed out at memorial cemetery in village of Potocari, near Eastern-Bosnian town of Srebrenica, on July 11, 2016. 127 newly identified bodies were be put to final rest at the Potocari memorial. Bodies are identified as those belonging to Bosnian Muslim victims, of the offensive undertaken by Bosnian Serbs in July 1995 with aim to occupy, earlier declared UN safe heaven area of Srebrenica and the surrounding villages. During the offensive more than 8000 Bosnian non-Serbs went missing to be found buried in mass graves, years after the war ended. / AFP / ELVIS BARUKCIC (Photo credit should read ELVIS BARUKCIC/AFP/Getty Images)

Au cours d'un match de qualification pour la Coupe du monde 2018 entre la Grèce et la Bosnie-Herzégovine, des partisans grecs ont brandi une bannière rappelant le génocide de Srebrenica en 1995.

La bannière « Noz, zicam Srebrenica » (couteau, fil barbelé, Srebrenica) a été affichée lors du match nul de 1-1 entre la Grèce et la Bosnie-Herzégovine, dimanche, à Athènes.

Il s'agit d'un slogan serbe qui glorifie le génocide de 8000 Bosniens musulmans. Les forces serbes avaient à l'époque envahi le territoire après la chute de la Yougoslavie. Cette invasion avait également provoqué le siège de Sarajevo pendant plus de trois ans.

La Fédération grecque de soccer a publié un communiqué lundi pour s'excuser auprès de la population bosniaque. Elle a condamné cet « affichage inacceptable d'une bannière fasciste ».

« Cette bannière est la plus odieuse insulte à l'esprit sportif du soccer ainsi qu'à l'hospitalité grecque », a ajouté la fédération.

Malgré ces excuses, on s'attend à ce que la FIFA se penche sur le dossier pour réprimander la Fédération grecque.


Mourning At Srebrenica

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