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Un astéroïde nommé en l'honneur de Freddie Mercury le jour de son anniversaire

Un astéroïde nommé en l'honneur de Freddie Mercury le jour de son anniversaire
SPACE - UNDATED: An artists impression showing an asteroid belt around a star similar in size to the sun. MEET Brit Lightyear - the British spaceman who could be called upon to save the world from Armageddon. Major Tim Peake, 40 - Britain's first official astronaut - is part of a specialist team training to land on an asteroid, just like in the Hollywood blockbuster starring Bruce Willis. Their research could prove vital in preventing a catastrophic collision that would see life on earth wiped out. The mission, carried out by NASA Extreme Environment Missions Operations, will eventually see the a manned shuttle propelled up to three million miles into space. There they will reach speeds of up to 55,000mph through a swing-by - where a planets gravity is used to increase speed - as they attempt to dock on the surface and carry out crucial research. But should an meteorite find itself on a catastrophic collision course with earth, a manned mission could be used to deflect it. And Brit Tim would be in line to answer the call as bruce Willis' oil magnate character did in the hit film Armageddon. PHOTOGRAPH BY NASA / Barcroft Media /Barcoft Media via Getty Images
Barcroft via Getty Images
SPACE - UNDATED: An artists impression showing an asteroid belt around a star similar in size to the sun. MEET Brit Lightyear - the British spaceman who could be called upon to save the world from Armageddon. Major Tim Peake, 40 - Britain's first official astronaut - is part of a specialist team training to land on an asteroid, just like in the Hollywood blockbuster starring Bruce Willis. Their research could prove vital in preventing a catastrophic collision that would see life on earth wiped out. The mission, carried out by NASA Extreme Environment Missions Operations, will eventually see the a manned shuttle propelled up to three million miles into space. There they will reach speeds of up to 55,000mph through a swing-by - where a planets gravity is used to increase speed - as they attempt to dock on the surface and carry out crucial research. But should an meteorite find itself on a catastrophic collision course with earth, a manned mission could be used to deflect it. And Brit Tim would be in line to answer the call as bruce Willis' oil magnate character did in the hit film Armageddon. PHOTOGRAPH BY NASA / Barcroft Media /Barcoft Media via Getty Images

Le guitariste de Queen, Brian May, a annoncé qu'un astéroïde en orbite autour de Jupiter avait été nommé en l'honneur du regretté chanteur du groupe, Freddie Mercury, le jour où il aurait célébré son 70e anniversaire de naissance.

Brian May a précisé que le centre des planètes mineures de l'Union astronomique internationale avait nommé un astéroïde découvert en 1991, année de la mort du chanteur, "Astéroïde 17473 Freddiemercury".

Le guitariste, qui a un doctorat en astrophysique de l'Imperial College de Londres, a affirmé que le nouveau nom de l'astéroïde représentait "seulement un point de lumière, mais un point de lumière très spécial" et qu'il reconnaissait le talent de son collègue.

Né le 5 septembre 1946, Freddie Mercury a composé et chanté plusieurs succès, dont "Bohemian Rhapsody" et "We Are the Champions" au sein de la formation Queen, avec qui il a lancé plus d'une dizaine d'albums studio entre 1973 et 1991.


«Astéroïde: mission extrême» au Planétarium de Montréal

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