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Une statue de Bouddha aperçue sur la planète Mars (VIDÉO/PHOTOS)

Une statue de Bouddha sur Mars? (VIDÉO/PHOTOS)

Une statue de Bouddha a été aperçue sur Mars et, selon les manchettes à ce sujet sur Mirror.co.uk, c’est la preuve qu’une forme de vie intelligente a déjà existé sur cette planète.

L'histoire met en lumière des faits discutables suggérant que la planète rouge est couverte d’anciennes reliques et d’artéfacts.

Scott C. Waring, un spécialiste autoproclamé des ovnis, a écrit à ce sujet sur le ufosightingsdaily.com. «Je crois que nous avons déjà vu cette statue auparavant, mais jamais d’aussi près. On voit un visage, une tête regardant à sa droite, des seins, un ventre dodu et des épaules. La photo à elle seule devrait suffire à convaincre les Nations unies de l’existence d'une forme d’intelligence autrefois sur Mars, mais la Nasa ne veut pas que les gens sachent la vérité.»

Dans les dernières années, d’autres objets d’origine extraterrestre – identifiés par la NASA comme des formations rocheuses mal identifiées- ont supposément été photographiés sur Mars. Cela inclut un iguane, une cuillère flottante, un feu de signalisation, des figures humaines, des pyramides, un doigt et même une poignée de porte. La liste est longue.

Vous pouvez observer quelques exemples dans la galerie de photos ci-dessous :

"Face On Mars"
It doesn't get more classic than this. The Viking 1 spacecraft spotted this "Face on Mars" in 1976. Since then it's been featured in movies and TV shows. When the Mars Global Surveyor flew over and snapped sharper photos in 1998, the face was seen for what it really is: simply a mesa.
UFO Sighting Daily
NASA's Curiosity rover captured this cutie on Mars in January 2013. The rock does bear a remarkable likeness to an iguana -- it's got a tail, dewlap and even an "eye." But again, this is just a rock.
Curiosity captured this "finger" in 2012, and we can definitely see the resemblance to a human digit -- it even has what looks like a fingernail. But it's a rock. A rock, people!
When the Mars rover Spirit captured this image of a human-like figure in 2007, alien enthusiasts hoped it might finally be a sign of alien life on the red planet. Scientists' verdict? Rock.
"Mars Rat"
The "Mars rat" was found in a March 2013 image from the Curiosity rover. The rat took the Internet by storm -- and even got its own Twitter account. So, rock or tech-savvy rat?... It's just. A rock.
Thigh Bone
Last month, alien enthusiasts claimed to have found a "thigh bone" in an image taken on Mars. Again. We're going with rock.
Spooky! This skull-like object was spotted in an image taken by the rover Spirit in 2006. Similar "skulls" have been spotted in subsequent rover images -- including a bird and a T. rex. Even an "alien's skull" was spotted. The verdict? ALL ROCKS.
Mysteriously Appearing Donut
When a rock shaped like a jelly doughnut mysteriously appeared in front of the Opportunity rover in January 2014, everyone wondered how it got there. Was it dropped there by an alien cop on his coffee break? Nope. According to NASA, the rover flicked it into its own path.
Bloggers spotted this "helmet" or "bowler hat" in a 2013 Curiosity photo. It's definitely a rock.
Door Handle
This mysterious metallic-looking object that showed up in a Curiosity photo in 2013 may look like it flew off an alien's door. But according to NASA, it's just a hard, fine-grained rock that was "polished" by the wind.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems
This "flower" was spotted in a 2012 Curiosity photo. It's definitely not biological, but planetary scientist Aileen Yingst did tell Space.com that she would "hesitate to say what it is."

Cet article initialement publié sur le Huffington Post États-Unis a été traduit de l’anglais.

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