Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Les fondateurs de Ben & Jerry's aimeraient un jour créer une crème glacée à la marijuana

Un nouveau projet éclaté pour Ben & Jerry's?

La réputation de Ben & Jerry’s comme étant une compagnie de crème glacée aux goûts excentriques n’est plus à faire. Leurs diverses sortes de crème glacée sortent bien souvent de l’ordinaire.

En entrevue avec le HuffPost États-Unis — entrevue que vous trouverez, en anglais, ci-haut — Ben Cohen et Jerry Greenfield ont avoué qu’ils seraient prêts à pousser l’expérimentation à un autre niveau dans le futur — plus précisément, en inventant une crème glacée à la marijuana, si les barrières légales deviennent inexistantes.

C’est une idée sensée, selon Cohen, qui parle de « combiner ses passions »,

Son collègue a semblé plus hésitant — ou prudent —, mais n’a pas exclu l’idée.

« Je crois que légaliser la marijuana est une excellente idée », a révélé Greenfield. « Ce n’est pas ma décision. Si ce l’était, je la décriminaliserais. »

Cet article initialement publié sur le HuffPost États-Unis est une traduction de l'anglais.


The original concept Ben and Jerry had was to open a bagel company.
David McGlynn via Getty Images
We\'d probably love Ben & Jerry\'s Bagels too.
Ben wanted to call the company “Josephine’s Flying Machine.”
Jerry wasn\'t a fan.
The company started with a 12,000 dollar investment.
Dan Van Oss via Getty Images
And a $5 correspondence course in ice cream-making from Penn State.
The only thing Ben and Jerry ever fought about was the size of the chunks.
Facebook/Ben & Jerrys
Ben wanted big chunks and eventually got his way.
There's a real flavor graveyard.
Where discontinued flavors like Oatmeal Cookie Chunk (RIP) go to die.
Ben & Jerry's employees make the waffle cones fresh in stores.
They even make the batter from scratch. That\'s why they taste so good!
On average, there are 259 little squares on a waffle cone.
Holger Leue via Getty Images
(Or 259 crevices for the ice cream to fill.)
The Ben & Jerry's headquarters is a dog-friendly office.
GK Hart/Vikki Hart via Getty Images
Because of course it is.
The first pint flavors were...
Ben & Jerry\'s
Oreo Mint, French Vanilla, Chocolate Fudge, Wild Blueberry, Mocha Walnut, Maple Walnut, Honey Coffee and Honey Orange.
The worst-selling flavors of all time were...
Ben & Jerry\'s
1) Sugar Plum: In the first three weeks it was on store shelves it sold ONE pint! And 2) Mocha Walnut: According to Ben, “Mocha Walnut is my all-time favorite flavor, but when we packed it in pints, it turned out to be our all-time worst-selling ice cream. Jerry is fond of saying that there is no accounting for personal taste.”
There's a special name for someone who mines through a pint for the big chunks:
Ben & Jerry\'s
A Chunk Spelunker!
There is a slide in the Ben & Jerry's office lobby.
Ben & Jerry\'s
It sounds like a real-life Willy Wonka\'s Chocolate Factory.
Ben & Jerry’s employees can take home 3 pints a day.
Facebook/Ben & Jerry\'s
The machinery used to create the Core flavors is based on a German sausage maker.
Facebook/Ben & Jerry\'s
The core flavors taste nothing like sausage, however. At least not yet.
Ben & Jerry's receives 13,000 flavor suggestions every year.
Facebook/Ben & Jerry\'s
That\'s a lot of flavors.
New Core flavors are in the works.
Ben & Jerry\'s
Ben and Jerry have been friends since they were little kids.
Ben & Jerry\'s
Ben explains, \"We were the two slowest, fattest kids in gym class. There was the whole class running around the track, and then half a lap behind there were two guys. So we were connected from the beginning.\"

Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.